Spiced Apple Shrub 300ml
Tempus TonicsShrubs are the secret potion of the beverage world, crafted with vinegar, sugar, and fruit to make a sweet and tangy syrup. Crafted from seasonal heritage apples blended with cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg, the Spiced Apple Shrub 300ml is a perfect choice for chilly nights as it provides a warm, comforting sensation when mixed with hot water. It's also a refreshing option when served with cold sparkling water. You can take your mixology skills to the next level by using it in your next elegant mocktail or cocktail creation.
- Made of seasonal heritage apples, blended with cinnamon, allspice, and nutmeg.
- Handcrafted.
- Certified organic ingredients.
- Size: 300ml.
- New Zealand made.