Modena Double Wall Teapot 1.2 Litre
AvantiEnjoy a steaming hot brew in the cooler months with Avanti's Modena Double Wall Teapot, a minimalist-styled, double-walled teapot with a generous handle. Made from the highest quality 18/8 stainless steel, it will keep your tea at the ideal temperature thanks to its ingenious heat-retentive double wall design. The pot features a removable laser etched infuser which sits perfectly in the centre of the teapot, allowing water to infuse with loose tea from all angles, creating a fuller flavoured tea.
- 18/8 stainless steel double wall construction for heat retention.
- Includes removable laser etched infuser
- Features an easy pour, drip-free spout and generously-sized handle.
- Material: High-polished mirror finish stainless steel.
- Capacity: 1.2 litres
- Care: Dishwasher safe