Batter Bowl Cane 1.9 Litre
Mason CashCrafted with precision and steeped in history, the Mason Cash Batter Bowl Cane 1.9 Litre stands as a quintessential piece of British design, originating in 1901. Constructed from durable chip-resistant stoneware, this bowl is an indispensable tool for blending batter or beating eggs, making it a must-have for any kitchen. Its unique patterned exterior not only adds to its charm but also ensures a firm grip for bakers. The robust handle keeps the bowl steady during mixing, while the convenient pouring lip facilitates the seamless addition of ingredients to cake mixes. Finished in the traditional cane colour with a cream interior, this bowl boasts a timeless appeal that has been cherished by Mason Cash enthusiasts for generations. The high-gloss glaze adds a finishing touch, making the bowl resistant to chips and enhancing its durability.
- Material: Stoneware.
- Capacity: 1.9L.
- Dimensions: 25cm(L) x 19cm(W) x 13cm (H).
- Care instructions: Microwave safe, dishwasher safe, freezer safe.